File format

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Column list

Column Content
time Time in ISO8601 format
lat Latitude (degrees)
lon Longitude (degrees)
hMSL Height above sea level (m)
velN Velocity north (m/s)
velE Velocity east (m/s)
velD Velocity down (m/s)
hAcc Horizontal accuracy (m)
vAcc Vertical accuracy (m)
sAcc Speed accuracy (m/s)
gpsFix GPS fix type (3 = 3D)
numSV Number of satellites used in fix

This format may be extended in the future by adding extra columns to the right, according to a post to the gpsbabel-code mailing list. Programs designed to read FlySight data should discard any additional, unknown columns.

Using GPS Babel to convert Flysight files

You need a style file to allow GPS Babel to read the Flysight format, see

The command line to convert to Google Earth (KML) format is:

"gpsbabel.exe" -i xcsv,style="" -f "InputFile.CSV" -x transform,trk=wpt,del -o kml,lines=1,points=0,line_width=2,line_color=ff0000ff,floating=1,extrude=0,track=1,trackdata=1,trackdirection=0,units=m,labels=0 -F "OutputFile.kml"

You must supply the full path for the files in the quotes, the KML can be customised as detailed here

A batch file may help some users that are not comfortable using the command line or those looking for a quicker option. It requires the style file to be saved to the users desktop and will look for a Flysight CSV file called test.csv on the desktop to convert, outputting the converted file to the desktop as test.kml. Optionally input and output file names may be specified when calling the batch file as follows "FlySight_Convert.cmd InputFile.csv OutputFile.kml"

If converting to GPX or SRT you may want GPS Babel to calculate the speed and course between each way-point. See corresponding batch files: GPX SRT

Other programs for converting Flysight files

Paralog allows template based export of jump data in various formats and offers a greater degree of customisation than GPS Babel.