Firmware update (Linux)

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First install dfu-programmer:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install dfu-programmer
$ which dfu-programmer

The last command will tell you where dfu-programmer was installed:


You can check which version of dfu-programmer was installed using this command:

$ /usr/bin/dfu-programmer --version

The output should look like this:

dfu-programmer 0.6.1

Next, we'll get the Mac update package from the FlySight website:

$ wget ''
$ unzip -d firmware

Next, put your FlySight into update mode. With the FlySight unplugged from your computer and turned off, toggle the power switch quickly on-off-on-off-on-off (i.e., cycling the power three times).

Connect the FlySight to your computer using the supplied USB cable. The FlySight should not appear as a drive and the FlySight's light should be off. If the light comes on, it means the FlySight isn't in update mode, so you'll need to repeat the previous step.

Now you will need to determine what processor is used in your FlySight. For FlySights with a serial number between 98 and 497 (manufactured between 2010 and 2011), use at90usb1287. For all other units, use at90usb646. If you're not sure, it won't hurt to try one. If it fails, you can try the other one. Here, we use dfu-programmer to write this firmware to a FlySight using the at90usb646 processor:

$ cd firmware/flysight-update-mac/
$ sudo /usr/bin/dfu-programmer at90usb646 erase
$ sudo /usr/bin/dfu-programmer at90usb646 flash ./flysight.hex

The output should look something like this:

40442 bytes used (70.53%)

Next, unplug your FlySight then plug it back in. The FlySight should appear as a drive and the FlySight's light should be on.

Now we need to copy the new audio and configuration files onto the FlySight. In the instructions below, replace "/path/to/device" with the location where your FlySight is mounted.

$ sudo rsync --dry-run -iva --progress --stats --no-o --no-g --no-p audio/ /path/to/device/audio/

Check the output of this command, then run it again without the --dry-run flag.

$ sudo rsync --dry-run -iva --progress --stats --no-o --no-g --no-p CONFIG.TXT /path/to/device/CONFIG_DEFAULT_v20191105.TXT

Once again, check the output, then run the command again without the --dry-run flag.

Finally, we can check what has been updated in the new configuration file:

$ cd /path/to/device/

The old configuration file can be updated manually to incorporate any new features.